Mathilde μP




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What do you get when bad boys grow up? Bad music.

02 10 09 - 15:00 The power of rap music is the energy and mixture with anger in vocal lyrics.

The clip of Appa Ik heb schijt opened my ears to rap music. What had I missed all these years? Zonkhead. When Def P from the rip Osdorp Posse had a performance with jazz combo on an art fair it was a chance to catch up. Jazz yeah right there was my mistake. I know jazz has powerful emotion expression, but it does not mix with a lousy vocal voice of uninspired rapper. Yes there was a crowd. The public who liked it? Stoned teenagers and grey midlife people. Booh for Def P.

Friday 2 October was a better encounter with rap. To celebrate the start of world march for peace and non-violence there was a manifest on the Dam square in Amsterdam. Several acts and speakers performed. One of them was the “Zonen van de Zeerover”. Raw lyrics boosted into the commercial streets surrounding the square. The music was relaxed, the vocals up tempo with sincere anger. Pitty they had only a 3 song time frame and had to give the stage to a speaker. Ofcourse the rally for worldpeace is the priority but I wouldn't have minded more of ZvdZ rap.

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