Copy Kittens are going to New York
13 06 12 - 21:29 Copy Kittens are going to New York
The photo series Copy Kittens by Mathilde µP will be shown in New York at The Wonder of Woman exhibition. And is part of a larger hosting event named Photoville. This contemporary gallery village in Brooklyn Bridge Park will host an international selection of photography. Aloys Ginjaar from the Netherlands was invited as partner curator. He selected 28 photographers from his home country to participate in The Wonder of Woman.
Copy Kittens by Mathilde µP is one of the works presented. The series started as profile photos on Facebook, they show a human touch without sacrificing privacy. As a twist Mathilde µP used herself as canvas and redecorated the location for each photo. The end results are fictitious women and habitats showing social trends in female attitude in different times.
Mathilde µP will be present at the show June 22 – 24
22 June at 4pm the The Wonder of Woman will be opened by the consul general of the Netherlands.
The Wonder of Woman & Photoville: 22 June till 1 July 2012
Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 3, New York
Opening times: Friday June 22: 4pm – 10pm // Saturday June 23: 11am - 10pm // Sunday June 24: 11am - 7pm
Thursday June 28: 4pm – 10pm // Friday June 29: 4pm – 10pm // Saturday June 30: 11am – 10pm //
Sunday July 1: 11am - 7pm
List of participants in The Wonder of Woman :
Aloys Ginjaar - Annelies Rigter - Astrid Verhoef - Barend Houtsmuller - Bianca van der Werf - Carli Hermes - Cornelia Nauta - Dutch J. den Hollander - Frank van Delft & Karin Gunnarsson - Gon Buurman - Govert de Roos - Jaap Bijsterbosch - Jenny Boot - Lenny Moeskops & Diederick Ingel - Lieve Prins - Lilith - Maartje Roos - Martin Dijkstra - Mathilde µP (muPe) - Nancy Schoenmakers - Paul Tolenaar - Rinze van Brug - Roger Neve - Shakiro Werleman - Speer - Susanne Middelberg - Suzan van de Roemer - Tara Fallaux
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