Mathilde μP




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« Bladenbal 2010 | Home | Expositie 22 Mei - 19… »

World Pillow Fight Day

03 04 10 - 00:00

  If it wasn't for a package I had to pick up at SMBA I would have gone to an eastern protest against nuclear power and weapons at the doorstep of the power plant in Volkel. A protest with enough reasons to continue awareness decade after decade. ( absurd  we are still using such very iffy technology)


As to be expected the day before eastern was packed with a choice of actions to raise awareness. And so I stumbled into the World Pillow Fight Day at the Dam square in Amsterdam. This worldwide day wants to create awareness to allow public space as playground. The Amsterdam organisation added the sub-line that is is also against the increase of prohibitions in public space. The mass pillow fight was held at the Dam. Looking at the visitors the freedom fight with pillows was most to have more fun and parties. A bit flimsy subject but it has to be said. Each and every generations has to fight for its rights as it will not be given. And those rights include the right to party.

My subline for Pillow Fight Day  is even if you wear nailpolish and high heels women have the right to fight.

World Pillow Fight Day 2010World Pillow Fight Day 2010World Pillow Fight Day 2010

World Pillow Fight Day 2010World Pillow Fight Day 2010World Pillow Fight Day 2010

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