Book presentation Stencil king by Hugo Kaagman
29 11 09 - 02:52Hugo Kaagman presented his book Stencil King Saturday in the American Book Centre at the Spui in Amsterdam. Book presentation was done by Diana Ozon.
From a historic perspective this location was perfect. In 1977 Hugo, Diana Ozon had a Art-O-Maat at the Spui. An rebuild automate that delivered small fanzines and art. At this moment the press started to notice him. But even before that moment Hugo had created his own book; Bab-Boujeloud and home fanzine Koekcrandt. The Art-O-Mate helped the punk magazine Coekrandt to to grow. During a trip to Africa Hugo started to use stencils for building decorations. After his return to the Netherlands Diana Ozon opened gallerie Anus (gallery butt) at their squat place. Here Hugo became the man for spray painted t-shirts. The malls also served for street graffiti.
The time was perfect. A central location at the early years of a punk era. From graffiti and t-shirts on-wards Hugo received more and more assignments for his vivid and colourful work. His name and star grew and he continued to publish his own books. After more than 30 years Lebowski publishes as first a book by and about Hugo Kaagman's work.
Stencil King
Hugo Kaagman
ISBN 9789048802753
160 Pagina's, € 19,90
See also Hugo Kaagman:
An overview exposition of Hugo Kaagmans work in gallery Artkitchen

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